Damage Ceiling are basically the same when it comes to the bloom damage. Testing is still being conducted to determine accurate bloom ownership. Now obviously the huge downside to a freeze team is the lack of damage. Even Nahida’s C2 is not affected by her crit stats; it is always fixed at 20/100. She's utterly busted in AoE and reasonably good for single target as well especially. In my opinion, with the limited resources we have, Nilou’s best team will be Her, Kokomi, Dendro Mc, and collei. The Nilou-Nahida-Kokomi core is already an entire team by themselves. Team Rating : SS Tier. 6. Nilou simp. srs_business • 8 mo. Honestly I use a Nilou CRIT build on the overworld because is kinda un comfortable to play Bloom against random enemies (at least until we get Nahida). Both have a 2 core . 5 seconds your Blooms don't trigger Nahida E. Shes more of a mid investment team. Nilou in the Hyperbloom team allows the Electro character to take advantage of her Bountiful Dendro Cores. Basically too much aoe dendro not enough hydro to sustain. Hp/Hydro/Crit + Crit>HP% substats, 2ToTM 2 HoD - dps build for team 1. Barbara — Xingqiu — Nilou — Nahida. TheSheepersGame • 9 mo. hi there! im running her in Nilou-Mona-Yaoyao-Nahida team and get 36stars ez as other bloom team. Don't forget Nilou ring is still a source of AoE hydro. Edit: I do agree that Ayaka Freeze was 2. The Dendro teams where Dendro% and crit matters is Aggravate, hyperbloom, burgeon, and the Nilou Bloom team where hydro characters trigger the reaction. Nahida's hyperbloom teams are ACTUALLY INSANE. So seeing her and Kusanali together would be dope esp if they compliment each other. vape is typically niche with nilou due her a1 passive unfortunately). I think his C6 is really important when he's driving a non-Nilou bloom team. . Increased bloom explosion range +100EM to the whole team Essentially bloom without her sucks extremely hard, but I still enjoy it sometimes 😅 and, since I like cursed things, this is me clearing the Abyss with a Nilou team with “normal blooms” (fridge), of course it. Nilou also supplies mobile off-field Hydro application that is not reliant on Normal Attacks, albeit comparatively slowly. so in bloom teams character level matters going solely from 80>90 is apparently a 34% increase in bloom damage so you def want to level your characters to at least 80 going to 90 is super expensive so its sorta understandable to stop there but for bloom you do want to go full 90 on barbara+nilou at leastPoint being, bloom is so strong at a baseline that it works even without some premiere options and you don’t need to be maxed either to clear in time. In each team comp, we divided the character into Four roles. Vape or Melt team highly requires stable elemental application order, but nilou bloom team doesn't. Technically you could run Nilou/Dendro/Ganyu or Rosaria/ Kazuha or Venti, but I’d be nice if we had a dendro healer. Bountiful Cores cores burst quicker than normal cores and also. Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support; Yaoyao: Candace: Nahida: Nilou: This team build focuses on the synergy of Candace and Yaoyao's Elemental Burst. Kaveh is not a healer. . Compared to the Nilou Bloom team composition, this team features Sucrose as a unique addition. Kokomi and Barbara are the only two healers in hydro and none in dendro yet. yawntown • 21 days ago. My Nilou bloom team is doing nice damage right now, and the only character whose build I might still need to work on is Kokomi. Increases Nahida’s personal damage in. That's how important Kokomi is to Nilou. 11. Hello guys, I'm thinking of getting nilou in her next rerun but I'm having trouble deciding which team to build for her. It's about 60%-70% slower in AoE than Nilou Bloom, but it's faster in Single Target. Nilou + Kokomi Driver Team Guide I've been seeing people talk about using Kokomi with a full em build to drive the bloom reactions along with DMC and Collei as supports to keep the dendro aura but when I went to go test this team out it seems that hydro overtakes the dendro with just Kokomi jelly fish and her auto's, not even taking into. You can use Raiden soup with Yelan on first half and Nilou Bloom triple Hydro with Xingqiu on second half. If you're fine with it, go for it. Best Nahida Bloom team Nahida; Kokomi or Mona; Nilou; Yaoyao or Xingqiu; Nilou is ideal here thanks to her Bloom-enhancing talents, but if you don't have her, you can still build a powerful team. DMC’s burst AOE when infused with hydro is larger than the AOE of Albedo’s Elemental Skill and Ganyu’s Elemental Burst. Nilou Mains Bloom Guide 💃💦. Nilou’s standard team comp as of now where you generally want Hydro being the trigger and having full ownership of blooms. Nilou provides Hydro elements for triggering Bloom in this team. Here's the current situation for our favorite character: Currently, Kokomi is among Nilou's best friends, as a clear upgrade to Barb, and the only options for shielders/healers in a Nilou Bloom comp. OPEN ME [BLOOM BLOOM BAKUDAN! NILOU BLOOM TEAM | Genshin Impact]_____Terima kasih yang sudah menon. Increases Max HP by 25%) Dendro (Increase In Elemental Mastery) Team Comp Artifact Builds; Nilou: 2 Tenacity Of The MillelithNilou, the new Hydro 5-star coming in Genshin Impact 3. r/NilouMains. Even MY Raiden national team is slower than. I'm saying that Nilou Bloom team is good for Floor 12 second half of the Abyss but using Nilou Bloom vs the Wolflord is harder not because Nilou Bloom cannot put out the damage numbers but because using them isn't as efficient compared to using another team + 1 geo. 11. 6. Nilou is a buffer in these teams needing a HP% build to increase the cores' damage. Nilou Bloom and Hyperbloom don't exactly compete since they specialize in different. And Yaoyao can replace him very well, because the team likes AoE application. I have ran Barbara, Yao Yao and Baizhu as my main healers though with Baizhu being the one that's staying in my team. Nilou makes his passives mostly redundant, you prefer Hydro or Nahida as the driver, and he is not really a healer. She's a character that allows you to comfortably clear the abyss. Artifact Sets. Even Nahida’s C2 is not affected by her crit stats; it is always fixed at 20/100. Kaveh can also be a Nilou substitute since his bloom detonation could be the same as her’s anyway, meaning you. Cons: Single target is very bad. Cattryn • 2 mo. Her skill damage is worth some investment. So I decided to show everyone my Nilou bloom team that includes deepwood dendro traveller. 374. In Nilou teams, this Constellation doesn’t provide much due to her Bountiful Core mechanic already causing Dendro Cores to Rupture almost immediately. In this video you'll find out which Nilou superbloom team comp is the best for you. And it’s so broken, you don’t even need a proper rotation lol. Collei has been getting more acknowledgement by the mainstream. Nilou is the Sub DPS in this team. Nilou Bloom: ER until requirement > EM >> DMG% > CRIT. Thanks to Dendro reactions, Barbara has found new potential as a Bloom Carry and an enabler. You cant reliably proc only the driver’s bloom, meaning u need to level and. BUILD del EQUIPO NILOU BLOOM💦🌱 Guia + ROTACION - Genshin ImpactGenshin Impact Español🛑REDES SOCIALES :Twitch: Hacem. Using Kaveh and your cryo character you can use both elements on an enemy without doing a reaction, with hydro you can both freeze and bloom enemies at the same time. Hp/Hp/Hp + Hp%/EM substats 2ToTM 2WT/GD - Bloom driver nilou for team 2 where you want optimal damage. Hydro unit - creates whirlpool, sucks in enemies. These lists are based on percentage usage of the characters as well as research from the community all around the world. Nilou: A 5-star Hydro Sword user who uniquely enhances the base Bloom reaction at the cost of heavy team building restrictions. In my case, I already deal more than enough per Bloom (34k) so I prefer the healing (hence why I use tenacity). So far, this is the best rotation I've found so far from my tests with this. • 4 mo. The exception is using Xingqiu because he in. Notice that Yelan has a shorter CD on her burst (18s instead of 20s) which perfectly lines up. More dendro on opponents while his ult trigger bloom continuosly. Again this is because the base dmg is what is buffed by Nilou. Nilou Teams. Trailblazers, check out our new Honkai Star Rail Wiki! Nilou is a 5-Star Hydro Sword character released in Genshin. I haven't tried Yaoyao on bloom team. 5k self inflicted Bloom damage per Bloom, so 2k-3k self damage per second. 6 (mainly Key and Nahida c2). Ik people recommend EM/EM/EM for her when she's proccing the blooms, but the thing is with Nahida + Gilded Dreams buff, she has over 1. Likewise, Nahida brings a lot to the table. Nilou provides Hydro elements for triggering Bloom in this team. Bloom deals damage to you as well so a healer is needed. Besides Nilou said she based her dress on God of Flowers. . And also, on the Team you listed, Nilou will definitely not be the one who Triggers Blooms, unless I'm mistaken, in which case I'd appreciate your feedback and explanation on how Bloom Ownership works in your Comp. We listed all types of the team in Genshin Impact which are generally accepted by the community. Only DMC need EM. The short answer is not really, no. Wow, Nilou bloom team is a beast in the abyss (floor 12)!!! soulseeker_ps3 7 months ago #1. Alhaitham and Yelan create a strong combo of consistent Hydro and. Later patches' introduction of quick Dendro appliers gave this a. Now it's dendro on enemy again. get released. In Nilou bloom, giving Nahida 1000 EM actually does make sense. If you wanna use yoimiya and nilou in the abyss. But as others have said, there will still be more effective. Rotations can be flexible, but generally start with Nilou E combo then DMC E Q, then Kokomi E and for last Collei E Q. Nilou Best Builds and Artifacts | Genshin Impact. It's Schrodingers Wife. Kaveh is a strong Dendro user in Genshin Impact who can effectively operate as the Main DPS in a Bloom team comp. The best nilou team with addition of baizhu-. Nilou is a Hydro Sword character specializing in Bloom teams in order to maximize her full kit while boasting solid AoE damage through her unique bountiful core. Collei. Alternatively, you can do an EM Kokomi build. Nilou bloom is absurd. 1 version so sort of pre-Nahida. What do you guys think of having Kirara in a Nilou Bloom Team? My lineup currently is Nilou, Nahida, Dendro Traveler, and Barbara. Timestamps:0:00 Intro and updates0:26 How is Yaoyao in Nilou teams1:46 Does Yaoyao need lots of EM3:14 Weapons4:02 Does Yaoyao free up a Hydro teammate slot/. Either Kokomi/Barbara/Nilou will be on field triggering blooms and gaining the 200 EM. Yaoyao have a slow dendro with small AoE and Alhaitham have faster dendro on field. Through Nilou’s passive talent, if the team only compose of Dendro and Hydro elements Character, the cores generated from Bloom becomes special which is called Bountiful Cores. However if you plan to run onfield Al-Haitham in 2H2D with YaoYao, Nilou and XQ/Yelan then bloom production will not be high. 3 additional flat HP rolls must happen. 4) Alhaitham, Nilou, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Kazuha- Nilou Bloom team. Nilou is the Sub DPS in this team. Nilou: Nilou enables a much stronger variant of the Pure Bloom team, where Kirara provides much-needed defensive utility. In these teams, Kokomi heals and applies AoE Hydro to generate Dendro Cores. HP% and EM are the only two. Going all in on EM lets Kokomi trigger Bountiful Cores, which helps the team do even more damage. Her bountiful cores are hitting for around 50k with my 1,400 EM traveller. And it can be even nice in teams that don't utilize pure Bloom. In our rotations channel, there's been testing done for lots of variations of the Nilou Triple Hydro Kusanali team. So in case I dont get nahida on my 50/50 after nilou, and I definitely dont have enough to get kokomi and I had to use barbara as a healer until a dendro shielder/healer come- So barbara apply hydro every 3 second with her E melody ring and her auto attacks re pretty much like kokomi- Kokomi is still the greater barbara though. Option 2. Bountiful Cores cores burst quicker than normal cores and also deals larger AoE DMG. Paradise is better but the difference is not big enough to spend your resin if you're not farming for Wanderer's artifacts too. usually kokomi and nilou procs bloom in this team so kokomi needs EM if you have key on nilou that wont be a problem and you need a lot of HP in nilou and EM on substat. In this team everyone shares good portion of the bloom ownership, but from what I’ve noticed it looks like Candace and Yaoyao own a bit more of the blooms overall. Level 90 is highly recommended to maximize Nilou’s HP and Bloom damage. Kokomi, Dendro Traveler, Collei) from Genshin. 90 to maximize her HP and healing. As for now we dont have any dendro healer. It literally has two modes that both enable Bountiful Cores. Through Nilou’s passive talent, if the team only compose of Dendro and Hydro elements Character, the cores generated from Bloom becomes special which is called Bountiful Cores. With Nahida. Here my run:As she has a very restrictive team comp, you need to almost always use her in a bloom team(as other teams i. ago. Updated Apr 11, 2023 Nilou has a limited team composition in Genshin Impact, but she still allows her team to dish out an insane amount of damage. kaveh's bloom damage buff is additive and gets diluted in the hundreds of bloom dmg% you get from nilou and EM, and even then the cores explode instantly so you dont have the time to explode them with kaveh manually. Nahida EM buff works only for on field character. Nil. since yaoyao introduction bloom team changed, kokomi its not core anymore (unless skill issue and need extra healing) yao yao - nahida - nilou - xingqiu/yelan kaveh - xingqiu/yelan/barbara - nahida - nilou yao yao - dmc - nilou - hydro baizhu - dendro - nilou - hydro dmc - collei - nilou - barbaraHowever the bloom DMG you expect is quite high especially without Nilou's signature or other buffs like elegy. Nilou too strong for Baizhu. Even at the f2p c2 Nahida level theyre just effortlessly broken 80k-100k dmg per bountiful seed now i cant imagine them at whale investment. 1. Would this be better than the standard Nilou, Nahida, DMC, Barbara? Assuming no Kokomi on the accountTeam 2 wants full HP Nilou and Kokomi on field. Nilou Bloom. "For example a triple HP Nilou with signature weapon gives around 13. So start farming gilded or the other the bloom artif with or 2pc 2pc EM artif. In Genshin Impact, Nilou is a 5 Stars rarity Hydro character currently in. It's not perfect but I aim to keep it updated as new gear/teams etc. Since Bountiful cores can only be produced in a Dendro-Hydro team with Nilou, the active character should be consistent on applying either Dendro or Hydro. Mine is “Nilly” because that’s my goofy nickname (that I don’t actually use) for Nilou. Nilou. if you change DMC or Collei with Nahida, then hydro triggers basically anything and building EM on DMC/Collei becomes extremely silly. The release of fast Dendro appliers in. 5s" rule. -You don't have enough EM as Nahida only buffs one unit while any of the four on the team can be the reaction trigger at. 2- Use Flower of Paradise Lost on the Character(s) who is/are going to be the main Bloom Trigger(s). For this to happen her team must be composed of exclusively Hydro and Dendro units. But basically, Nilou + C2 Nahida is 4 Gold Pulls. With ~60k HP (no weapon), hyperbloom does more if you have >750 EM. This gives you 2 META-ish teams, and you could most likely beat the current abyss with at least 35 stars without much additional investment. ryossalivar 8 months ago #4. Baizhu’s best role will probably be flex dendro in the Kokomi 2H2D team. Nilou is a 5 star Hydro character whose strength allows Bloom team to rapidly unleash buffed Dendro cores dealing massive amounts of DPS. Allows for Hydro ownership and rapid Bloom generation. Nilou C2 probably better for her Bloom team specifically, but Nahida C2 works in way more teams.